Malay boys in my class...
In the class... just came in...
Joseph and Jia Kuang
Chien Ling, Jia Ling, Kah Chun and Wei Ern... playin uno cards...
Class party blackboard design (while designing)
Class party blackboard design
Jia Ling, Kah Chun and Chien Ling, preaprin presents for teacher
Jia Ling, Kah Chun and Chien Ling, preaprin presents for teacher (2)
Me! Wearin contact lenses ( pic taken by Jia Ling )
Hiffni, holdin da present for Puan Shabitha... cause he wanna angkat her kaki
Jia Ling, Kah Chun and Chien Ling...
Students, lookin at da food and drinks...
Raveena, fellin weird...
Jing Yi.. peepin in wat's in da box...
Naughty boys shook all da soft drinks... girls shocked and scared...
10 bottles of soft drinks... we manage 2 finish it all
Boys of my class...
Hazeem, my ketua kelas...
Kai Lih and teacher, answerin students question...
Preparin da other food....
Crushin da ice.. need so many ppl... haiz
Frens, while da pizza is here
Iqbal and Hazeem fightin while watin for teacher
Chien Ling and Jia ling, eatin and eatin again
Chyu Ern's b-day cake...
My lui lui, Ashley...
My class teacher, Puan Aida Normala
Chien Ling's sesame ball... Dunno will explode or not...
Friends.. playin cards... Oops Jian Yuan... i can see your card. Hehe
Kai Lih, when she's not ready 2 take photo...
From left; Chyu Ern, Shamni huggin Chen Jing Yi and Margueeritar
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